Hot Kareena Kapoor has beautifut features in her photoshoots out for her portfolio,must see this amazing beauty pics in black and white.The following year, she co-starred alongside Akshay Kumar, Saif Ali Khan and Anil Kapoor in Vijay Krishna Acharya's action-thriller Tashan. Though a poll conducted by Bollywood Hungama named it as the most anticipated release of the year, the film eventually became a commercial and critical failure. She next provided her voice for the character of Laila, the love interest of a street dog named Romeo, in the Yash Raj Films and Walt Disney Pictures animated film Roadside Romeo. It was the second Bollywood film to receive a North American release by a Hollywood studio. In preparation for the role, Kapoor viewed several Hollywood animated films to analyse how actors delivered their dialogues. Kapoor then appeared in Rohit Shetty's comedy Golmaal Returns, the sequel to the 2006 film Golmaal.Unseen sizzling pics of kareena Kapoor
Tags: Hot Kareena Kapoor in Black and White,Hot Kareena Kapoor , Pics and wallpapers,Kareena Kapoor ,Hot Bollywood Actress,Photos,Wallpapers,Unseen Kareena Kapoor,Hot Kareena Kapoor Wet Stills, Kareena Kapoor rare Photos,unseen,sizziling, Kareena Kapoor stills